FIRST- The First NFT Live Streaming platform

5 min readNov 2, 2021

Every day traditional streaming platforms attract millions of visitors who are searching for that new song from their favorite artist, that next episode of the show they can not wait to watch or the next homerun from their team. Whatever people are searching for, it all comes down to making that unique connection with their idol, artist, athlete or creator. An increasing number of artists, athletes and other content creators have started to offer their content as NFTs.

What are NFTs you ask?

NFTs or nun-fungible tokens are unique tokens that are attached to an asset. Creators can make anything into an NFT including videos, artwork and music. FIRST is the place where video streaming and NFTs come together. We offer both creators and fans allnew ways to connect with each other through content.

FIRST is the first NFT Live Streaming Platform on Ethereum & Polygon. FIRST lets Streamers monetize their Video & Music Content or •live streams with a new standard based on NFTs and immersive NFT experiences. Conventional video & live streaming services offer creators ways to earn money only through view based advertisements. Our innovative NFT platform removes the need for ads to earn on streaming and offers new blockchain based ways to replace this earning model. This also enables earnings models within every niche.

FIRST also lets creators monetize live streams through our novel innovations such as the NFT Access Pass and NFT Moments Marketplace. Fans can earn crypto by interacting with their favorite streaming content, series, TV shows, sports games and more. This enables both creators and fans to earn together while sharing unique moments.

What makes us unique

NFT Moment & Video Marketplace
Every creator has their own NFT video channel on which NFT Moments, Video & Music NFT or an NFT Live Stream Access Pass can be purchased and streamed by fans:

  • Each creator has their own video & music channel, it is their very own NFT Marketplace;
  • Fans can buy or place a bid on unique video and music NFTs using $FIRST;
  • Fans purchase video & music NFTs or subscribe to creator channels.

Premium Content
Artists can now take fan engagement to the next level by offering Premium Content as NFTs on their own First marketplace content channels. Premium Content NFTs include movies, series, moments or NFT albums.

Live Stream Monetization
Creators can monetize live streams with the First NFT Access Pass or NFT Moments, both of which are accessible by fans using $FIRST.

  • Creator mints NFT Access Pass for access to premium live streams (creators can add unlockable NFTs to the Access Pass).
  • Fans buy a standard or premium NFT Access Pass and can unlock unique NFT content (which can only be unlocked during specific live streams).
  • Fans buy the NFT Access Pass for access to live streams (fans unlock unique NFT automatically by gaining access; it is a win-win for both the fans and the creator)

Creators can also launch special NFT giveaways and fans can participate in these giveaways using an NFT Access Pass.

NFT Moments
Creators can mint NFTs from special moments that happened during live streams. NFT moments can also be created from special events during sports games, gaming streams etc. As long as the event or stream was live on the FIRST platform. These unique NFT moments can be sold on the FIRST Platform.

NFT Moments can be minted from live streams or separately as Shorts on the FIRST NFT Marketplace.

FIRST Originals
We will help artists & content creators fund their new video, movie, series or album. Launched by the First Accelerator, this crypto-funding feature within the FIRST platform will include the ability to launch and INO (Initial NFT offering).

  • Aspiring artists and producers can let the community fund their idea using $FIRST;
  • Investors receive a unique NFT for participating in the crowdfund;
  • A percentage of earnings for streaming this content on the FIRST platform is distributed over the initial investors (FIRST users) of the project.

Why Ethereum?

Our goal is to build one of the largest online entertainment platforms over the coming years as online streaming is expected to grow to a 110 billion market in 2025. This means there is great potential when combining this form on entertainment with the unique ownership of NFTs. However, we have set big goals, so the blockchain of our choice needs to be equal to those goals and able to give us trust in accomplishing our dreams.

We believe Ethereum is the best blockchain as it has proven itself to be able to grow with new innovations, never go down and Ethereum is set to launch the final two stages of Ethereum 2.0 over the course of 2022, which is meant to improve Ethereum’s scalability and capacity.

We are also choosing the Polygon blockchain in order to aggregate FIRST as a scalable solution on Ethereum supporting the multi-chain Polygon/Ethereum ecosystem.

Ethereum 2.0 is also a greener choice as it will replace mining with staking. This will remove computing power as a security mechanism and reduce Ethereums carbon footprint by ~99.95%. As they state “Importantly this improves the energy efficiency while preserving Ethereum’s decentralization and security.” We do not only believe in a future for FIRST when it comes to NFTS, but for all of us, so the choice was easy to make.

Our Values

At FIRST we believe that all content can be great and we understand that diversity in people translates into diversity in content. That is why, at FIRST, every great idea belongs, every video belongs, everybody belongs.

FIRST. Where every great idea can be heard.

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